deKay's Lofi Gaming

Sonic and the Secret Rings (Wii)

Look. I want to like it, I really do, but I can’t make myself like it. There’s just something fundamentally wrong with it. Firstly, you don’t have much control of Sonic. You can veer (not even steer) left and right, and speed up and slow down. And jump. That’s it. Actually, you don’t really have a huge amount of control over jumping either, since you can’t choose a direction to jump in. You have to “charge” your jump to jump …

Sonic Unleashed Demo (360)

Oh Sega, how I once loved thee. Your happy Sonic games with their speed and platformingness and fun. Why hast thou forsaken me with this swill? Sonic Unleashed, like other recent Sonic games, is crap. Well, the demo is crap at least. Really crap. And there isn’t even a werehog stage to play, and the werehog stages haven’t exactly been top of reviewers’ lists of Ace Things About Sonic Unleashed. It’s like they took all the worst bits of all …

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (360)

It was only fairly recently that I completed this for the Wii. So why get it for the 360 as well? Because it’s Sonic, of course! (NB: Rule of “It’s Sonic, of course!” does not apply to Sonic Heroes, Sonic and the Secret Rings or Sonic the Hedgehog 3D) So I’ve managed to complete Chemical Plant Zone, having nabbed all the Chaos Emeralds before the end of Chemical Plant 1. It really helps not having picked Tails to accompany me. …

2007: A Year in Gaming – Epilogue

Phew, eh? That’s a lot of games. Overall, I’ve completed 61 this year, and played around 200 (if you include demos).¬¨‚Ć So what was best?¬¨‚Ć What was unexpected? Biggest Surprise Almost certainly Halo 3. I didn’t like the campaign mode (which I played a fair bit of in co-op – I actually completed it too, although didn’t play every chapter). The surprise was enjoying online multiplayer as much as I did. Team Fortress 2 is better, in my opinion (especially …